Really ever room in the house could do with a Memo board, think of the prospects of tidying away all those " I must keep that" bits of paper.
Cream Harris Tweed Memo Board |
Newspaper cuttings, recipes, invitations ,pictures,photographs,really, the list is endless...
Isle of Skye tartan Memo Board. |
... and The Isle of Skye Tartan is one of the most popular tartans around.
It was the low flying helicopter and all the vehicles appearing that
gave the game away really. A quiet wee corner across the loch had a crew
from Universal Studios filming this week.
The 10 Japanese warriors in Skye. |
They had decided that the backdrop would be suitable as 19th century Japan, for a film called 47 Ronin.
19th Century Japan. |
Harlosh. | | | | | | |
...and then they were off as quicky as they appeared, to another couple of locations in Skye or is it Japan ?!!.